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Tips & Tricks

7 Tattoo Mistakes For Tattoo Beginners To Avoid

tattoo mistakes for beginners to avoid

Tattoo mistakes are a key part of tattoo work. Jason Lambert, a professional tattoo artist with decades of experience in tattooing, looks back on his tattooing experience and says that he spent a lot of time on the wrong things when he was starting out but didn’t realize it for a long time. This makes him take many detours in the tattoo work.

In order to more tattoo beginners who don’t make the same mistakes, I have compiled a few common mistakes for beginners in tattooing and how to avoid them.

tattoo mistake 1: Tattooing on your own

It is wrong to tattoo on your own and others without training. Starting a tattoo without the proper training can not only lead to poor results or even cause infection problems. Proper training brings not only knowledge about tattooing but also the practice of a steady hand which is the basis for a finished tattoo piece.

A steady hand avoids unstable lines, bad shading, and other problems. The recommended way to practice a steady hand is to practice by drawing lines on a piece of paper and fruit, or you can also purchase tattoo practice skins to aid in the practice.

As much as possible, you should also understand the anatomy of the human body. This way, the tattoos you create won’t be placed in incorrect locations. More details are to be referred to in the article about how to set up the needle depth.

Tattoo Mistake 2: Operating under unsanitary conditions

Tattooing in unsanitary conditions can lead to infection problems. This is why many countries require tattooing conditions to meet medical grade standards, and tattoo products are sold as medical products.

Hygiene is a top priority for tattoo work. Be sure to keep the work area clean and sanitized before performing tattoo work. Use an autoclave to sanitize non-disposable equipment between clients. Products that cannot be autoclaved – including drawer handles, tables, and sinks – should also be sanitized with a commercial sanitizer.

Tattoo Mistake 3: Not using the right equipment

Beginners make the mistake of choosing low-quality equipment. The quality of the machine has an important impact on the realization of the tattoo work. Low-quality machines may lead to poor line effects and poor shading. It is recommended to buy a high-quality tattoo machine and tattoo needles to carry out your tattoo work.

When choosing the right equipment, seek advice from an experienced tattoo artist or watch some equipment review videos to find the best tools on the market. If you want to keep it simple, it’s also good to choose products offered by some of the more reputable tattoo manufacturers such as Solong Tattoo Supply.

Tattoo Mistake 4: Failing to prepare the skin properly

If the skin is not properly prepared before tattooing, it can lead to many problems, including loss of pigment, fading, and even infection. It is important to remember that you can’t get a tattoo where there is an open wound again. Clean the area thoroughly before getting the tattoo and protect the skin with an application of barrier cream before starting the tattoo creation.

Also, inform the client in time for the completed tattoo aftercare to ensure that their wounds can heal properly. For example, avoid direct sunlight, and use of moisturizers to protect the tattoo to prevent drying, more aftercare tips can refer to tattoo aftercare: what you need to know.

Tattoo Mistake 5: Lack of self-confidence and over-confidence

Self-confidence directly determines whether or not you can accomplish something. The development of social media has led to more frequent communication between tattoo artists, and you can easily see the work of many good tattoo artists on the Internet. Remember that don’t let comparisons dampen your self-confidence. The phrase unique is never a comfort, it is the truth you need to tell yourself.

Likewise, over-confidence can be a major blow to the tattoo work you have launched. Learning to accept criticism may make an essential difference to your tattoo work. Criticism is an opportunity to see your work with fresh eyes, not a place for you to defend your work. A tattoo artist who is willing to take the time and experience to give you criticism is a gift, and you should accept it with humility and grace.

Tattoo Mistake 6: Not enough practice

Art is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase hundreds of times, but do you really understand it?

Few of us are such prodigies that we can draw what the tattoo artist needs on the first try. We must understand that the most effective way to increase our productivity is repetition. In order for the ideas to flow effortlessly from our minds to our hands, we must train those muscles to the point where we can do what we ask them to do without having to think about me. The training is repetitive and ritualistic, and the repetition is the formation of unconscious behavior.

Japanese tattoo artist Filip Leo in the introduction of his own tattoo experience mentioned that they have been unable to find a suitable method when he first started to paint waves, and then he often practiced this action, even when eating and talking on the phone, he will also practice finger waving. Many times after repeating such exercises, surprised to find themselves painting waves there is a significant change.

Practice makes perfect, although this is common sense, I hope you can apply it in tattoo work. So the artist doesn’t just start with that ability, they are also through constant repetition and eventually reach that place.

Tattoo Mistake 7: Ignore imitation

When doing something you have not done at all, imitation is the most appropriate way to enter this work. Don’t try to run before you learn to walk. Until the basics of tattooing are solid, there is no need to deliberately pursue your own style. Style is something that emerges from the effortlessly coordinated work of your mind and hands. The natural variations that arise from your unique mind will appear in your career, it takes time, and he will emerge naturally when the time comes.


The above is a current summary of mistakes that beginner tattoo artists may make, and fortunately, we can take steps to avoid them. Remember these tips to help you become a professional tattoo artist.

 The text is a reference to the professional tattoo artist Jono Smith’s video.

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