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Tattoo Knowledge

What is the tattoo blowout and how to fix it?

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What is tattoo blowout?

A tattoo blowout is a common tattooing mistake that occurs when the tattoo artist applies the tattoo ink too deeply or unevenly into the skin. This can cause the ink to spread outwards, resulting in blurry or distorted lines and shapes in the tattoo.

Tattoo blowouts are typically more visible on areas of the skin that are highly elastic, such as the inner wrist, inner arm, and behind the knee. This is because the movement and stretching of these areas can cause the ink to spread and become distorted.

Tattoo blowouts can also occur when the tattoo artist is using a tattoo machine that is not properly adjusted. The machine may be set to inject the ink too deeply, or it may be vibrating too much, causing the ink to spread outwards.

What cause it?

A tattoo blowout occurs when the ink from the tattoo spreads outside of the intended lines, resulting in a blurry or distorted tattoo. There are several potential causes of tattoo blowout, including:

Poor Tattooing Technique

One of the most common causes of tattoo blowout is poor tattooing technique on the part of the tattoo artist. If the artist is not experienced or skilled enough, they may not properly control the tattoo machine, which can cause the ink to be injected too deeply or unevenly into the skin. This can cause the ink to spread outside of the intended lines and result in a blowout.

Allergic Reaction

In some cases, a tattoo blowout may be caused by an allergic reaction to the ink. The body may recognize the ink as a foreign substance and try to push it out, which can cause the ink to spread and result in a blowout. This is more likely to happen with certain colors of ink, such as red or yellow, which are known to be more allergenic.


Another potential cause of tattoo blowout is infection. If the tattoo artist does not properly sterilize their equipment or if the tattoo recipient does not properly care for their tattoo after it is completed, the tattoo site can become infected. This can cause the ink to spread, resulting in a blowout. For more information on tattoo care, please refer to tattoo aftercare what you need to know.

Thin Skin

In some cases, the skin itself can be a factor in tattoo blowout. If the skin is particularly thin or delicate, the tattoo artist may have difficulty controlling the depth at which the ink is injected. This can cause the ink to spread outside of the intended lines and result in a blowout.

Poor Quality Ink

Another potential cause of tattoo blowout is the use of poor-quality ink. Some tattoo inks are of lower quality and may not hold up well over time. This can cause the ink to fade or spread, resulting in a blowout. The best way is to choose a major brand of ink, such as Solong tattoo ink.

Overall, tattoo blowout is a common problem that can be caused by various factors, including poor tattooing technique, allergic reactions, infection, thin skin, and the use of poor-quality ink. To avoid tattoo blowout, it is important to choose a reputable and skilled tattoo artist and to properly care for your tattoo after it is completed.

How to fix it?

Here’s how to fix a tattoo blow out:

  • Wait for the tattoo to heal completely.It’s important to wait until the tattoo has fully healed before attempting to fix a tattoo blow out. This can take anywhere from two to four weeks, depending on the size and location of the tattoo.
  • Consult with a tattoo artist.Once your tattoo has healed, visit a reputable tattoo artist who has experience fixing tattoo blowouts. They will be able to assess the situation and provide you with a plan for fixing the blowout.
  • Consider laser tattoo removal. In some cases, the best option for fixing a tattoo blowout may be to have the affected area removed with a laser. This can be a costly and time-consuming process, but it may be necessary if the tattoo blowout is severe.
  • Get a touch-up. Another option for fixing a tattoo blowout is to get a touch-up. This involves the tattoo artist going over the affected area with fresh ink to correct the distortion and improve the overall appearance of the tattoo.
  • Be patient. Fixing a tattoo blowout can take time and may require multiple sessions with a tattoo artist. Be patient and follow the tattoo artist’s instructions to ensure the best possible results.

In conclusion, a tattoo blowout can be frustrating, but it’s not the end of the world. By consulting with a tattoo artist, considering laser tattoo removal, getting a touch-up, and being patient, you can fix a tattoo blowout and restore the appearance of your tattoo.


  1. lalalanettelane27
    April 27, 2024 at 10:15 am

    Do tattoo blowouts go away?

    1. wang ke
      April 27, 2024 at 10:23 am

      Tattoo blowouts, which occur when ink is injected too deeply, usually don’t disappear on their own. They may fade over time, but are generally permanent. Techniques like laser treatment or cover-up tattooing might help its appearance. Always consult with a professional for advice.

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